Sri Ramakrishna
Showing 1–16 of 60 results
A Homage to Gospel
$1.00 Add to cart -
A Short Life of Sri Ramakrishna
$2.50 Add to cartA Short Life of Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna’s life was a life of spirituality in practice, a sublime event with a singular quality of God consciousness. To contain such a boundless life and personality within a few pages is certainly an audacious task, yet this book humbly attempts to portray his life and personality in a clear and candid style.Sri Ramakrishna was one of the greatest Indian Mystics of the nineteenth century.
$2.50 -
A Yankee and the Swamis
$11.00 Add to cart -
Aratrika Hymns and Ramanam
$2.00 Add to cartAratrika Hymns and Ramanam
The hymns included in this book are all the inspired compositions of the direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna and are sung during or immediately after the rites connected with the Aratrika in all the centres of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission. These are the fervent outpourings of the Apostles of the Great Master who in their own lives had experienced “the touch of the One in the play of the many.” Ramanam is a liturgical composition expounding the glory of Sri Rama through a series of names that suggestively highlight the main incidents in the life-story of this Divine Incarnation.This book contains a lucid and faithful English translation of the texts to enable the reader to absorb better the spirit of these hymns. A transliteration of the texts in Roman script is also included to help those who are not very familiar with the Devanagari script.
$2.00 -
First Meetings with Sri Ramakrishna
$8.00 Add to cartFirst Meetings with Sri Ramakrishna
First impressions about Sri Ramakrishna by 38 people who met him. Includes newly translated material from the original Bengali.The panorama of spiritual aspirants that passes before the reader varies from the hardcore rationalists like Swami Vivekananda to paragons of faith like Gopal Ma, and from ascetics and puritans like Nag Mahashay to Bohemians like Girish Chandra Ghosh.
$8.00 -
Girish Chandra Ghosh
$36.00 Add to cart -
In the Divine Realm
$13.00 Add to cartIn the Divine Realm
Swami Apurvananda joined the Ramakrishna Order in 1918 and was initiated by Holy Mother. Written near the end of his life, and translated from the Bengali, In the Divine Realm is a fascinating account of Swami Apurvananda’s years at Belur Math. Culled from his accumulated memories of “the old times”, the book is replete with wonderful anecdotes, reflections and reminiscences of the many who peopled the Order many years ago, including many direct disciples of Sri Ramakrishna.The book is a very high quality Indian edition.
$13.00 -
Inspiring Lives of Sri Ramakrishna, Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda
$1.00 Add to cartInspiring Lives of Sri Ramakrishna, Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda
This book contains short lives of Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda, as well as some of their teachings.
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Invitation to Holy Company
$3.50 Add to cartInvitation to Holy Company
The author associated with many of the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna and gives in this book his reminiscences. He writes,”I had the rare good fortune to sit at their feet and enjoy their holy company.”. The Swamis described:Sw. PremanandaSw. TuryanandaSw. BrahmanandaSw. ShivanandaSw. SaradanandaSw. AbhedanandaSw.VijnananandaSw. AkhandanandaSw. SubhodanandaSw. Adbhutananda
$3.50 -
Josephine MacLeod and Vivekananda’s Mission
$19.00 Add to cartJosephine MacLeod and Vivekananda’s Mission
This book is a biography of Josephine Macleod, but interwoven with it is Vivekananda’s Vedantic mission. One will find in this book religion, philosophy, and mysticism; manners, customs, and cultures of the East and West. Linda Prugh, the author of this book, worked extremely hard to research and document in detail the early history of the Ramakrishna Movement in West as well as in the East.
$19.00 -
Journey’s with Ramakrishna
$14.00 Add to cart -
Leo Tolstoy and Sri Ramakrishna
$2.00 Add to cartLeo Tolstoy and Sri Ramakrishna
“Contacts between the minds of Tolstoy and Ramakrishna are parts of larger intercultural contacts which are by no means facile or free from problems and difficulties. They were contemporaries. Ramakrishna was about eight years younger than Tolstoy, but died about twenty-four years earlier. They never met, and the Russian writer did not hear about Ramakrishna in the latter’s lifetime. Tolstoy got to know about his Indian contemporary only by the end of his own long life and made occasional references to Sri Ramakrishna’s ideas of equal validity of different religions and religious universalism in his talks and conversations.”
$2.00 -
Life of Sri Ramakrishna
$20.00 Add to cartLife of Sri Ramakrishna
A comprehensive and chronological account of the Master’s wonderful life. Mahatma Gandhi writes in his Foreword: ‘The story of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s life is a story of religion in practice. His life enables us to see God face to face. No one can read the story of his life without being convinced that God alone is real and that all else is an illusion.’
$20.00 -
Mahapurush Maharaj As We Knew Him
$13.00 Add to cart -
More about Ramakrishna
$10.50 Add to cartMore about Ramakrishna
All the great personages of the past, who have left an indelible mark on the trail of events in the history of mankind, become a centre around which gathers, with the passage of time, a mass of legends and myths. These, more often than not, are later assumed to be facts that cannot be verified. The historicity of many of these legends begins to be questioned then, be they related to the life of a Christ, a Buddha or a Moses. Sri Ramakrishna, the latest in the line of these Great Masters, is an exception to this historical dilemma, as he appeared just a century ago. Even today researches succeed in discovering hitherto unknown truths about him, and these can be easily verified. The author of this book has brought to light some fresh findings on Sri Ramakrishna that will be extremely interesting for all his devotees and admirers.
$10.50 -
Rama and Krishna as Ramakrishna
$10.00 Add to cartRama and Krishna as Ramakrishna
This book is conceptualized both on Sri Ramakrishna’s statement to Narendra (Swami Vivekananda), “He who was Rama and Krishna is now, in this body, Ramakrishna but not in your Vedantic sense”, and the uniformity of divine qualities exhibited by these incarnations. It throws light on how Sri Ramakrishna exhibited the divine qualities that are similar to His earlier manifestations as Rama and Krishna. Arranged by subject, the divine qualities are described either through exposition or through story.Illustrated throughout, the book has the feel of a children’s book, but clearly it is for young adults and mature readers. While comparing the divine qualities of Ramakrishna with those of Rama and Krishna, Dr. Subrahmanyam also highlights challenges encountered by individuals and society at large in present life, and suggests solutions through apt examples from the lives of these god-men, Rama, Krishna and Ramakrishna.